Herbal Pharmacy – Bearberry

Bearberry is a small shrub that has an irregular stems and evergreen leaves.  Bearberry can found in the Northern hemisphere throughout Europe, Asia and America.

Bearberry has been used traditionally in Europe as a bladder treatment usually in the form of a tea.  In America Native American tribes have used the stems as a way to prevent miscarriage as well as help recovery following the birth of a child.

Traditional uses have also suggested it could be effective for the treatment of a backache, rheumatoid arthritis, and arthritis.



Parts of the plant used

Leaves, stem, and berries


Other names for this plant include

– Uva ursi

– upland cranberry

– kinnikinnick

– foxberry



Anti-bacterial and bladder health

– Arbutin, a natural glycoside has diuretic properties (i.e. promotes urination)

– Promotes emptying of the bladder

– Tannins in bearberry balance the pH of the urine


Helps tone the bladder and dissolve kidney stones

– Uncontolled urination is the result of poor kidney tone, bearberry can help improve tone

– Can be helpful for prostate constriction, incontinuence and kidney infection

– Can help calm muscles in the urinary tract

– Historically been used for kidney stone treatment


Can help regulate labor contractions

– Can encourage the labor process to begin

– Help regulate contractions during the labor process


Herbal Pharmacy Recipes

Infusion – 1 teaspoon per cup, steep 8 to 10 minutes. 1-4 cups per day

Tincture – 10 drops 1 to 3 times per day



Leaves should be harvest in late spring and summer

Jeremy Johnson, PharmD, PhD

Categories: Herbal Pharmacy, Infection, Plant Medicine