What is pigeon pea?

Pigeon peas are a popular legume that is used in dishes from Central America, Africa, and Asia.

Pigeon pea has a history going back approximately 3,500 years in India.  In the 1600’s pigeon pea made its way to the Western Hemisphere during the slave trade.

pigeon pea

Other names for pigeon pea include:

Tour Dal

Tropical green pea

Gungo pea in Jamaica

Toor or arhar in India

Red gram

Gandule bean



What nutrients are in pigeon pea?

Pigeon pea is high in protein.  A recent study found that pigeon pea contains a peptide that can naturally lower blood pressure – read about it here.


Essential amino acids are also high in pigeon pea including

– Trypophan





Methionine and Cystine



Jeremy Johnson, PharmD, PhD

Categories: Food