Replacing potatoes or rice with lentils reduces blood sugar in clinical trial

The next time you have the option of rice or potatos you may want also want to add lentils according to new results published in the Journal of Nutrition.

Type 2 diabetes is increasing in North America and worldwide.

Reducing blood sugar levels after a meal (i.e. post-prandial blood glucose response) is very important for long term blood sugar control.

Foods that can cause rapid blood sugar spikes include simple sugars, however, one way to reduce this is with foods that contain fibers.

This study tested if cooked lentils could reduce blood sugar spikes following a meal known to cause high blood sugar spikes.

Here are the details of the study

– Study design:  Randomized crossover design

– Healthy adults age 18 to 40 years old

– BMI was 20 to 30

– 24 adults were enrolled in the study –


Here are the details

– Compared to rice alone, large green lentils reduced blood sugar levels after the meal. *

– Compared to rice along, small green lentils reduced blood sugar levels after the meal. *

– Compared to rice alone, red lentils reduced blood sugar levels after the meal. *

Post prandial blood sugar with rice
Rice alone 140.4 mg/dL
Large green lentils and rice 124.2 mg/dL
Small green lentils and rice 124.2 mg/dL
Red lentils and rice 127.8 mg/dL


Post prandial blood sugar with potatoes
Potatoes alone 158.4 mg/dL
Large Green lentils and potatoes 136.8 mg/dL
Small green lentils and potatoes 138.6 mg/dL
Red lentils and potatoes 140.4 mg/dL

Here is what the authors had to say

This study demonstrated that replacing half of the available carbohydrate from a starch-rich food, such as rice or potato, with lentils in a mixed meal significantly reduced Postprandial blood glucose response and blood glucose maximum concentrations.

In this study, all meals were standardized to contain 50 g available carbohydrate with lentils providing 25 g available carbohydrate, which provides a realistic meal scenario given that lentils are frequently consumed as side dishes alongside or in combination with high-glycemic index, starch-rich foods.


Take away message

This study found that replacing half of a rice or potatoes from a meal with lentils can significantly reduce blood sugar levels after a meal.  Additional, studies will be needed to confirm these results in other populations not tested in this study.

These results are significant because blood sugar that remains high for long periods of time is a significant risk factor for diabetes.



Moravek D,  et al. Carbohydrate Replacement of Rice or Potato with Lentils Reduces the Postprandial Glycemic Response in Healthy Adults in an Acute, Randomized, Crossover Trial.  Journal of Nutrition Nutr. 2018; Volume 148 (Issue 4): pages 535-541.

Jeremy Johnson, PharmD, PhD

Categories: Blood sugar, Clinical Trials, Weight loss