Does Boswellia serrata (Indian Frankincense) help relieve arthritis?

Boswellia has a long history of use in south Asia, sespecially in the Punjab region and into Pakistan. 

The resin of the plant is what has received the most interest for its health promoting properties.

One benefit of Indian frankincense also known as Boswellia serrata is its anti-inflammatory properties. 

A clinical trial was evaluate the health benefits of Boswellia in arthritis.

Indian Frankincense

Here are some more articles related to plant medicine and arthritis.

Here are the study details

Design: randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, cross over study

Outcome:  To evaluate the analgesic activity of Boswellia serrata in healthy volunteers using mechanical pain model

What was the dose of Boswellia serrata?

Boswellia serrata (Shallaki®) 125 mg, 2 capsules

What were the main results?

Boswellia was found to reduce the pain threshold and pain tolerance compared to placebo. 

What did the authors have to say about the study?

In this study, Boswellia serrata significantly increased pain threshold force and time and pain tolerance force and time when compared to baseline and placebo with good safety and tolerability. Further multiple dose studies are needed to confirm the efficacy of Boswellia serrata.


Jeremy Johnson, PharmD, PhD

Categories: Antioxidant, Arthritis, Inflammation